Raúl Sánchez Gilo101 Content ideas to publish on Linkedin (and other social networks)You don’t know what to publish on Linkedin? Here you can find a great list of ideas to inspire youApr 11, 20193Apr 11, 20193
Raúl Sánchez GiloHOW TO WIN CUSTOMER TRUST (35 WAYS)There are concepts that never change in the world of sales, and one of them is the importance of building and gaining customer trust.Oct 22, 20192Oct 22, 20192
Raúl Sánchez GiloValue vs. Price: why lowering prices is not the best way to competeWe should not compete just for price, which is an unproductive battle. The price is important in the purchase decision but should not be…Nov 27, 20181Nov 27, 20181
Raúl Sánchez GiloSales Lessons from the Samurai (the Way of the Warrior)Many businessmen all over the world study and apply in their companies the principles and ethical virtues of the Samurai Code (Bushido)…Jun 1, 2021Jun 1, 2021