101 Content Ideas to Publish on Linkedin

If you don’t know what to publish on Linkedin, here you can find a great list of ideas to inspire you (also applicable to other social networks)

Raúl Sánchez Gilo
12 min readApr 11, 2019

“Only 1% of the millions of Linkedin users publish content weekly”

Pretty little really.

We are missing a large part of reality, of stories, of creative ideas, of interesting products, of possible contributions from all those millions of users who do not publish their ideas or do not share content from their sector, business and professional point of view.

In this sense, this list of general ideas for creating content on Linkedin is aimed at encouraging all of them to publish, and mainly:

  • To all that dark mass of active users who are not heard.
  • To all those users who do not upload content because they don’t know what to write.
  • To all those who limit themselves to sharing third-party content, which is fine and it’s great to share as much as possible, but it’s also advisable to create your own content from time to time.
  • And finally, to all those who do publish their own content, but who need to analyze new ideas and options.

Regardless of the scope or professional return you expect from publishing your own content, it is interesting and enriching to do so. It’s a great exercise and I encourage you to publish. Somebody also encouraged me, and now it’s a little bit of vice, so I also like to encourage others.

Remember that as important as creating good content is knowing who you are creating it for, so it’s also essential that you define your target audience and think what kind of content may be relevant to them.

As Linkedin is a professional network, of course many of the ideas are related to products or services that are also offered through this network and it is positive that they are shown.

It is not an exhaustive list nor are they ordered by any specific criteria. You must adapt many of them to your sector and/or specific professional situation, which will make them not all applicable, but don't dismiss any possibility beforehand.

If you don’t know what to publish on Linkedin (or other social networks) or you need inspiration, I hope this list can help you to create and upload your content:

1. Share professional and/or personal experiences that are important to you and that have value to your audience. Tell your own stories, about your work, your life, your experience, or even fiction stories that may somehow connect with your target audience.

2. Share motivational and inspiring phrases or quotes, best if you enrich them with your own ideas and comments to the quote.

3. Create your own images, and better with your own phrases (don’t forget to be creative!)

4. Share job offers (especially if they are related to your sector)

5. Share experiences from job interviews you’ve been in lately.

6. Share tips, ideas and valuable information for your followers regarding your product, business, experience, etc. Share what you know!

7. Explain how your product or service is changing the business, the industry or the specific sector (if so…)

8. Share also what you don’t know. Ask your network about something you would like to know, for example relevant questions about your profession.

9. Apply for the position you are looking for in your sector, indicating your skills, competencies, achievements and aspirations.

10. Inform your network of updates in your Linkedin profile (although you can also configure your settings so that Linkedin do it automatically), especially if it is a new job, a new challenge, etc.

11. Recommend profiles of other users that may be interesting for your followers. Best if you specify why and highlight the benefits of following and connecting with them.

12. Share profiles of your clients highlighting their activity and achievements in order to help them in their own business.

13. Introduce new coworkers. Welcome them.

14. Introduce your partners and collaborators of your company, business, association, etc.

15. Thanks their work to colleagues who leave the company and seek new challenges.

16. Make lists of key points about a concept in your sector that have relevance for the same and for your target audience.

17. Publish a typical “how to” content, about something that is interesting for your readers, explaining the steps to do it.

18. Share content on personal and professional development (advice, courses, guides, etc.)

19. Share news and updates from your industry. Better if you accompany them with your opinion on the matter and ask for additionalt thoughts to your followers.

20. Share statistics of your sector that are relevant to your followers.

21. Share interesting videos about your sector, or about your products, services, company, etc.

22. Share an interesting presentation about your market, products and services (Linkedin supports uploading multiple formats: doc, pdf, power point, video, infographics, etc.)

23. You can also share a presentation from the SlideShare platform which is also integrated in Linkedin.

24. Also think about using GIFs that can help communicate part of the message you want to convey.

25. Recommend books that have inspired you or that you want to read (better if you add a purchase link on the most popular platforms)

26. Write positive reviews of books you’ve read lately (this helps other readers as well as the author)

27. Share reading lists (e.g. books for entrepreneurs)

28. Share the news and/or new products that you offer in your business or start-up.

29. Use testimonials of satisfied customers with your product or service, especially success stories.

30. Share case studies, white papers and links to interesting articles from your sector.

31. Share photos of your products, especially where they’re used, not just catalog photos.

32. Inform about promotions and discounts of your products and services. Don’t forget to indicate the dates of the promotion and the corresponding links.

33. Participate in podcasts, or create your own podcasts, and share them.

34. Show what you’re working on now. We are all curious.

35. Show how your product or service works. Don’t assume that all your potential customers know how it really works.

36. Draw lots for one of your products. You must always indicate clearly the conditions to participate.

37. Make contests that invite to participate and connect with your brand, with a final prize that interests your followers (with clear and easy instructions)

38. If your product is in development, try it out and ask your network which version they like best.

39. Make tutorials to get the best out of your product or show how they solve a problem of your customers.

40. If you have FAQs about your products or services, share your answers.

41. Share lists of mistakes to avoid in your sector, market, niche, job, etc. We love lists!

42. Share your particular vision about your niche market that can help others.

43. A bit of humor from time to time is always good. Think about publishing a cartoon, strip, meme, joke or humorous phrase about your market, your concerns, your activity, etc.

44. Publish content related to personal reflections, with your doubts, insecurities, problems, fears, good and bad days, joys and sorrows and so on. After all, you are human (fortunately, we are not bots yet) Show your human side.

45. Share useful applications that you use that can serve others. It is typical to recommend software applications, but they can also be hardware tools.

46. Tell about your company’s culture, the one that helps especially your brand image.

47. Tell the story behind your brand, how the company was founded, what difficulties it had, some anecdote, etc.

48. Tell the story behind the creation of a new product, project or service. Explain why the creation and offering of this novelty came about, what needs you have detected in the market, how and what problems you hope to solve and the expectations of success.

49. Share content that has to do with saving time, money and effort for your clients, and that reaches the heart and mind of your audience.

50. Show the human side of your company, your collaborators, workers, suppliers and of course, your customers.

51. Ask questions to your audience that generate debate, that help to clarify doubts related to your market, product, service or sector.

52. Write thank-you publications, both to contacts in your network and to clients, collaborators, etc. Take advantage of the events to show your gratitude. You can thank all your network, or a part of it (those who have helped you in some task, for example)

53. Share the important events of your sector, congresses, fairs, conferences, etc.

54. Share also your other social networks. Connecting in more than one network also has its advantages and that network will also recommend you other contacts that you may not find on Linkedin.

55. Have you been interviewed in any media? Share it!

56. Something to celebrate? (related to your professional life, not personal) Share it in a post. Linkedin also remembers and encourages the celebration of birthdays and work anniversaries. It is a good excuse to greet and reconnect with contacts in your network and to receive the corresponding congratulations.

57. Share curious, funny ideas (not extravagances) that can make your target audience think about your products, services, brand, etc.

58. Create curiosity about your product or service, think about making a post with intrigue or announcing something future that still can not be revealed.

59. Give something as a gift (ebook, video, webinar, sample products, etc.) We love free stuff!

60. Ask your followers for references of your product or service.

61. Create a series of daily, weekly or monthly publications on a specific topic (eg: publication 1 of 5, in a few days you publish the 2 of 5, and so on)

62. Share your blog entries, new videos from your youtube channel (it’s better to upload them directly on Linkedin than just insert the link), or your articles published in other media (Medium, for instance!)

63. Publish a short text of a new article from your blog, inviting your audience to see the full story on your page.

64. Invite your followers to ask you something that interests them about your brand, product or service. Make sure you answer the questions they ask you.

65. Don’t forget that you can give new life to old publications, republishing content that you consider interesting.

66. Inspire yourself by seeing content from others, both posts and articles. Sometimes creativity arises in relating two contents that in principle were not related.

67. Check the trending topics and viral trends and try to relate them to your type of product, service and brand.

68. Think about everyday situations and their relation to your business field to create content that connects with your followers.

69. Confront two concepts that are used in your market, make comparisons, analyze trends of both, advantages and disadvantages, etc.

70. Show how your customers are using your product or service, not only when they use it right, but also when they make mistakes, highlighting its correct use.

71. Make congratulations on special dates (Christmas, Easter, New Year, anniversaries, etc.) They are an opportunity to convey your brand image especially if you do it in a creative and original way.

72. Ask for an opinion on a specific topic in your sector (it doesn’t have to be directly related to your brand)

73. Ask your audience to comment on an image.

74. Ask your audience to complete a sentence.

75. Post helpful tips related to your area of expertise.

76. Share a challenge to boost your audience’s participation (now it’s fashionable to challenge to do something)

77. Ask your audience to vote among a series of options, a survey, or to guess which is the right answer (you can even offer a prize)

78. Publish photos or videos of your professional activity that you consider relevant, with an additional message.

79. Make compilations of your best previous publications to give them a second life. It can be weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.

80. Recommend products that you use daily and share your opinion.

81. Can you offer to help with something for free? Share it.

82. Tell us about your experience in an event, fair, congress, course, etc. You can do it day by day if the event lasts several days.

83. Inform about interesting courses, seminars, webinars, etc. in your sector or those you plan to attend.

84. Share and thank the awards received, diplomas for completed courses, etc.

85. Invite your followers to join a Linkedin group, reading club, industry association, etc.

86. Share the agenda of events you will be attending and invite your contacts to meet them there (this is a good opportunity to devirtualize many contacts!)

87. Ask your followers about their needs, about their motivations to buy one product or another, about new solutions they would like to have, etc.

88. Inspire your followers with habits that make their work easier, motivating them to change and try new ways, new ventures.

89. Open the doors of your factory or office to your audience. Show how is the manufacturing process of a product, the quality controls it goes through, the human faces behind the final product or service, etc.

90. Recommend products, services and resources complementary to yours. You can even associate with the contacts of those products so that they do the same with yours.

91. Ask your customers to send you their own photos with your product.

92. Share two related images: before/after, right/wrong, version1/version2, etc. And invite comments or feedback on your publication.

93. If you are aware of something new that is not known in your sector, surprise with innovative ideas and proposals. Always try to differentiate yourself!

94. Contribute your opinion on a current topic even if it has nothing to do with your sector.

95. Take the chance of news from the sector to discuss the related future trends. We all like to predict the future!

96. Take a look at publications that have caught your attention in the past, they can inspire you for your own ones.

97. Follow the social networks of your competitors and get inspired for your own content (without copying!) There are always ideas that you can adapt, improve, change or give them a different meaning and purpose.

98. Don’t limit yourself only to Linkedin, look for inspiration also in other social networks, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, etc.

99. Inspire yourself also to create content around a hashtag that you know will reach many people. There are also groups that agree to create content around a hashtag. Check also the most popular hashtags.

100. Of course, this could not miss, you can publish your needs of new staff, your job offers, the needs of specific supplies you have in your company, search for new suppliers, and so on.

101. And one last idea-advice: BE YOURSELF. Authenticity always works.

There can be many other possibilities, infinite actually. The important thing is to always look for quality content, apply creativity, heart, enthusiasm, sincerity and always try to add value and the bit of emotion necessary to connect with your contacts, followers and customers.

Needless to say, regardless of the scope of your publications, whether with many or few likes and comments, you should always try to answer and thank all the contacts who interact in your posts and try to encourage healthy conversation and debate in your publications.

And don’t worry if your message is good enough to be viral or not, focus on adding value to your followers.

You no longer have excuses to always publish the same.

Post on Linkedin regularly and you will see how it is positive for you.

If you don’t publish the visibility is close to zero and many companies and contacts will not discover you, while if you publish and share, visibility, contacts, business and work opportunities rise significantly.

Let’s see if we can increase that small percentage! (contact me for the source of this and other Linkedin statistics)

Are you already using some of these content ideas?

Which one works better for you?

Any more you want to contribute?

Your comments will be useful for everyone. Thank you.

Also published in Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/101-content-ideas-publish-linkedin-ra%C3%BAl-s%C3%A1nchez-gilo/

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